Catinet automatic rug and carpet minidryers are machines devoted for small and medium sized carpet laundries.
There are 3 models of offered devices. First device allows to dry 12 carpets, second one allows to dry 24 carpets. The last model allows to dry 50 carpets.
Mini drying a parallelepiped structure of which skeleton is made of stainless steel. Structure is surrounded on each side of the sandwich panel. Inside, on the left side of the structure contains a big fan and the right dehumidifier. Along the structure are placed hangers, each with a length of 4 m, which we have installed special mechanism can be moved manually in a very convenient way. As the option we can install automatic way of movement.
At the front of the dryer are placed door through which you can hang and pull carpets. The whole drying system offers the lowest level of energy consumption which is offered on the market today.
Carpets dry after 20 hours. If a dryer is not full and not too thick carpets are inside, the entire drying process takes place within 12 hours.